700ml | Copper Pot 57% Navy Strength Gin
Step into a world of luxury and sophistication with our handcrafted premium gin, a true masterpiece of artisanal distillation. Crafted with passion and precision by our master distillers, each bottle encapsulates the essence of perfection.
At the heart of our premium gin lies a meticulous selection of botanicals to create that fresh, crisp taste sip after sip.
With a commitment to excellence that know no bounds, our distillers employ time-honoured techniques, ensuring that every drop of gin embodies the pinnacle of craftmanship.
Suitable for vegans, and gluten free.
Ingredients include:
- Juniper berries
- Cardamon
- Corriander
- Orris root
- Cassia bark
- Grains of Paradise
- Citrus
The Perfect Serve:
- 25 ml of Navy Copper Pot Gin
- 150 ml of Mediterranean Fever Tree Tonic
- Sprig of Rosemary
- Slice of Orange
Service over ice